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Healey School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Year 6

Year 6 Staff

  • Y6RC: Miss Charlett, supported by Teaching Assistant Mrs Dickinson
  • Y6SW: Miss Waza supported by Teaching Assistant Miss Hughs


The Year 6 Curriculum

Each half term, Year 6 focus on a high quality book where they continue to learn the skills of fluency and comprehension.  This is also used as a stimulus to develop childrens' writing skills in the different styles.


Accelerated Reading continues and pupils regularly choose books from our school library or reading corners where they can read at school and at home. All pupils in Key Stage 2 are given a username and password to answer a quiz on completion of the book, in order to check their understanding.



Pupils are taught Maths knowledge, skills and understanding on a daily basis, following the White Rose Maths Scheme of Work.  This develops their fluency, problem solving & reasoning skills. It is important that all children know their multiplication tables. All pupils have access to Times Tables Rock Stars to help them practice.



Each term, children have the opportunity to learn new knowledge and skills through Humanities and Science:


  • Autumn 1:  Local History (World War2)
  • Autumn 2: Hugo Cabret
  • Spring 1: Crime & Punishment
  • Spring 2: Spooky and Scary
  • Summer 1 & 2: Tudors


  • Science

  • Autumn 1:  Electricity
  • Autumn 2: Light
  • Spring 1: Living things & Habitats
  • Spring 2: Animals including Humans
  • Summer 1: Evolution & Inheritance
  • Summer 2: Consolidation



We support childrens' learning by going on school trips. Whether these are local trips, such as visits to Batley Library, or further afield, we will provide information nearer the time.  Outdoor learning for Year 6 will take place in Autumn 1. Our Year 6 pupils also have the opportunity to go on a three day residential trip, which promotes teamwork and encourages outdoor pursuits. 



Children participate in PE every week using the hall or outside facilities. Please ensure that pupils wear the correct clothing of black shorts/ black joggers, black t-shirt, suitable footwear and no jewellery. Children will have opportunities throughout the year to attend sporting competitions including our annual sports day. There is a range of after school clubs that children can also attend throughout the year.



SATS or Standardised Assessment Tests are national tests that are compulsory in Year 6. They take place in May. The tests are an indicator of what progress your child has made. Children take the tests in English Reading Comprehension, Mathematical Reasoning & Arithmetic, Spellings, Punctuation and Grammar.  Writing and Science achievements are also reported, although these are assessed through teacher assessments over the course of the year.



Pupils receive homework every Wednesday; it should be handed in on the following Monday.  We have a lunchtime club for anyone who needs to complete homework at school. 



The school communicates in a number of ways to keep parents and guardians up to date. If you do not yet have the school ping app, please speak to the school office for help and support.

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Healey Junior, Infant and Nursery School is part of Batley Multi Academy Trust, company number 07732537, a Company incorporated as private limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales and an exempt Charity. Registered Office Blenheim Drive, Batley, WF17 0BJ.

Contact Us

Healey Junior, Infant and Nursery School

Healey Lane, Batley, West Yorkshire, WF17 8BN