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Healey School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Believe, Achieve, Succeed


Reception Staff:

  • Early Years Lead and Reception Teacher - Mrs. C Virr
  • Reception Teacher - Miss. A Lomas
  • Teaching Assistants - Mrs. Rashid, Miss Salu and Mrs. Lunat


We are proud to offer a safe and nurturing environment where children are happy, confident and motivated to achieve their very best. We provide excellent, high quality education, where we enable children to become resilient and aspirational individuals. 


Our staff are welcoming, nurturing, highly skilled and will strive to make the Reception class a happy, secure environment where all children can thrive.


Trusting relationships are quickly formed to ensure children and parents feel supported and part of our committed team. Partnerships with parents and carers are important to us and we strive to work together effectively. Welcome meetings are held yearly as well as stay and play sessions in Reading, Writing and Maths. 


The curriculum we follow in Early Years is progressive from the start of Nursery through to the end of Reception, with all children working towards achieving the Early Learning Goals. Some of our children join us on their learning journey in Reception. We are always delighted when families choose our school to share in this exciting time with them. Everyone is welcome!


Through careful and thoughtful planning based on our knowledge of individual children, we offer a wide variety of enjoyable activities and key learning experiences. However, much learning derives from spontaneity and children’s own interests. We are a team of committed and passionate professionals who care about individual needs and have the child’s voice at the heart of everything we do.

Enjoying learning outside


We support children in becoming independent, enthusiastic and inquisitive. We guide them to learn how to self-regulate, initiate their own learning both inside and outdoors, and thrive through our enriched curriculum. Adults support children as appropriate, providing and enhancing rich experiences, extending learning and capturing magical moments.


Early language, reading and a love of books are at the heart of our curriculum. We explore new words daily and provide our children with a vocabulary rich environment. Key skills, including Read Write Inc Phonics and maths, are taught discretely on a daily basis, as well as being embedded into all areas of continuous provision. Our writing journey starts with mark making and conveying meaning, and then develops into writing simple words and sentences. Writing is always part of our daily routine. The seven areas of learning are carefully planned for, ensuring our environment offers a rich range of cross curricular opportunities.


Whilst learning through play, our children use a range of accessible resources. Some offer familiarity, many create challenge, and enhancements promote current learning. Our areas of provision promote communication, independence and collaboration, as well as characteristics of effective learning such as negotiating, persevering and resilience.


The children are encouraged to play both indoors and in the outdoor classroom. The ongoing theme will be evident throughout Reception with a wide variety of learning opportunities available to help the children to develop a wide range of skills and acquire plenty of new knowledge.


Looking for snails and slugs


In Reception, we have two classes that learn and play harmoniously together. The different areas of provision are shared and include a phonics and mark making area, a maths area, creative area, sand/water area, role play, small world and construction area. Outdoors there are lots of opportunities for gross motor development such as climbing, balancing and riding a bike, as well as a role play area and a mud kitchen.


Staying active is crucial to a healthy lifestyle.

Strong values underpin our ethos and daily practice, which ensure mutual respect, kindness and high expectations for all. Through regular routines and consistent approaches, our children know what to expect and are enthusiastic to explore new experiences. Together we agree on our Mission Statement, rules and expectations and then work collaboratively to make sure our learning environment is calm and organised. We learn about our heritage and celebrate a range of festivals and religion


Celebrating Chinese New Year


We pride ourselves in making sure that the children are always ready for the next stage of their educational journey. Reception is an evolutionary year group, which very much changes from a Nursery type environment full of play to a more structured, formal environment by the end of the year. This ensures that the children are ready to begin working on the National Curriculum expectations when they join Year 1. At the end point of the year, adults in Reception and Year 1 work closely together to ensure a smooth transition for all.

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Healey Junior, Infant and Nursery School is part of Batley Multi Academy Trust, company number 07732537, a Company incorporated as private limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales and an exempt Charity. Registered Office Blenheim Drive, Batley, WF17 0BJ.

Contact Us

Healey Junior, Infant and Nursery School

Healey Lane, Batley, West Yorkshire, WF17 8BN