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Healey School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Curriculum Statement

Our Curriculum Intent is to provide exciting opportunities for learning and to promote cultural capital through developing attitudes, skills and essential knowledge needed to enable our pupils to become responsible adults, who can make a positive contribution to the modern, multicultural world. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to giving the support and encouragement that children need to raise aspirations, unlock potential and achieve excellence through a 'can do' attitude. 


We follow the Early Years Statutory Framework and National Curriculum, and supplement these with extracurricular activities and enrichment for learning. 


Our core values (Believe - Achieve - Succeed)  influence the half termly themes that offer continuity and progression of the school’s curriculum.  We therefore believe that our curriculum must be purposeful, engaging, active and connected in the following ways:

  • Have a starting point which builds on that which children already know, understand or are able to do.
  • Enable children to know more than they did before as it progresses, giving them opportunities to make connections.
  • Enable children to use their growing knowledge and understanding to develop skills for life.
  • Allow all children to encounter real life experiences, to provide them with increased opportunities for vocabulary development, and a wider view of the world around them.
  • Take account of the growing body of knowledge which deepens our understanding of how children learn.
  • Enable all children to take an active part in their learning.
  • Enable all children to achieve, taking every possible step to overcome barriers to learning.


Our Curriculum is underpinned by:

  • The use of oracy and the development of the spoken word, which is encouraged through every aspect of school life
  • Reading is highly valued, developing a lifelong love of reading
  • Developing high aspirations and enterprise among our pupils and their parents
  • Enabling our pupils to form a sense of identity with their community through topic work and community links to gain an understanding of their heritage and an understanding of the local history, using our local environment as a resource for learning
  • Preparing our children for their role in a global community by widening their understandings of their own and other faiths and cultures
  • Supporting and developing our pupils’ emotional and social well-being and their readiness to learn


A child-centred and child-led approach

We want our pupils to feel that they have some ownership of the curriculum.  They tell us that they like learn in the following ways and we will build in as many opportunities as possible for this to happen:


  • Thinking and learning alongside their peers, working in friendship groups when appropriate 
  • Doing practical things
  • Using computers
  • Learning outside the school building
  • Taking responsibility for teaching others about something they have learned


Our remote learning offer is intended to emulate learning in the classroom.   Meaningful and ambitious work is set, within a wide range of subjects. Children have access to recorded direct teaching and receive purposeful feedback.  SMSC, health and wellbeing are always a high priority. 


VALUES: Believe - Achieve - Succeed

Evident through:

  • Raising self-belief and self-esteem 
  • Developing confident, independent learners who can work collaboratively
  • Succeeding in learning through building resilience and perseverance 
  • Aspiring to achieve personal bests
  • Child-centred approaches that provide opportunities to enrich experiences of the wider world through an engaging curriculum
  • Promoting listening, questioning, understanding and empathy
  • Recognising and celebrating differences in ethnicities, beliefs, cultures and lifestyles
  • Understanding individual interests, skills and abilities 
  • Building parental partnerships and community cohesion with mutual respect as a core value
  • Supporting wellbeing for children, families and staff 
  • Prioritising safeguarding procedures 
  • Empowering staff through CPD and training: (e.g. NPQH / NPQSL / NPQML / L5 SBM Diploma / NVQ L3 Teaching Assistants)


The National Curriculum

The National Curriculum contains the programmes of study and attainment targets for all subjects, at all key stages.


Click here for further information.


Further Curriculum Information is available under the Curriculum Tab, or please feel free to speak with Mrs Lang or Miss Bradnum, via the school office.

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Healey Junior, Infant and Nursery School is part of Batley Multi Academy Trust, company number 07732537, a Company incorporated as private limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales and an exempt Charity. Registered Office Blenheim Drive, Batley, WF17 0BJ.

Contact Us

Healey Junior, Infant and Nursery School

Healey Lane, Batley, West Yorkshire, WF17 8BN