Year 1
Year 1 Staff
- Y1HC: Miss Chittenden, supported by Mrs. Keogan
- Y1VC: Mrs. Carroll, supported by Mrs. Deakin
The Year 1 Curriculum
Daily phonics is completed in small groups using the Read, Write, Inc scheme. Skills learnt in phonics are transferred into all aspects of the school day. Children will receive a different book each week to take home and read, which is linked to sounds that they are confident with. We encourage to read or be read to daily. Spellings will also be sent home each week linked to the sounds that the children have learnt that week.
English is taught daily and is linked to the topic book. Many different genres are taught such as story writing, instructions and letters.
Maths is taught using the White Rose Maths Scheme which teaches daily maths skills that develops children’s fluency, problem solving skills and reasoning skills. We foster the concrete, pictorial and abstract teaching of topics.
Each term or half term pupils will have the opportunity to learn new knowledge and skills through Humanities & or Science.
Autumn 1: All about me
Autumn 2: Old and New
Spring 1: Frozen planet
Spring 2: Castles
Summer 1: Let it grow
Summer 2: Animal planet
Learners participate in PE every week using the hall or outside facilities. Please ensure that pupils wear the correct clothing of black shorts/ joggers, black t-shirt, suitable footwear & no jewellery. Pupils will have opportunities throughout the year to attend sporting competitions including our annual sports day. There is a range of after school clubs that children can also attend throughout the year.
We support pupils' learning by going on educational visits. Whether these are local trips, such as visits to Batley Library, or further afield, we will provide information nearer the time. All children in Year 1 also have the opportunity to take part in outdoor learning and environmental studies as part of our science and geography curriculum.
The school communicates in a number of ways to keep parents and guardians up to date. If you have not yet downloaded the school ping app to your smart phone, then please speak to the school office for further information.
Phonics support
Here are some phonics sounds and words to practise at home. Have fun! Remember "special friends, Fred talk and then read!"