Year 3
Year 3 Staff
- Y3MB: Mr M Black, supported by Teaching Assistant Mrs A Laher
- Y3NH: Mrs N Hussain, supported by Teaching Assistants Mr Ayres and Mrs Makda
The Year 3 Curriculum
Each half term Year 3 will be focused on a high-quality book where they will continue to learn the skills of fluency and comprehension. This is also used as a stimulus to develop pupils writing skills in the different genres. The books we will be reading this year will be:
Autumn 1: Stone Girl, Bone Girl The Story of Mary Anning by Laurence Anholt
Autumn 2: The Egyptian Cinderella by Shirley Climo
Spring 1: The Boy Who Grew Dragons by Andy Shepherd
Spring 2: Hodgeheg by Dick King by Lynne Cherry
Summer 2: How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth by Michelle Robinson and Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura
Please feel free to read these books in advance with your children if you would like to. Copies of these books are available to borrow free at the local library.
Accelerated Reading will continue next academic year where children will regularly choose books from our school library which they can read at school and at home. All pupils are given a username and password to answer a quiz on completion of the book to check their understanding.
Children are taught Maths skills on a daily basis, using the White Rose Maths Scheme, which develops their fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills. It is important that they know their times tables. All children have access to Times Tables Rock Stars to help them practise.
Each term or half term pupils will have the opportunity to learn new knowledge and skills through Humanities, Science and The Arts:
Autumn 1: Fantastic Fossils
Autumn 2: Ancient Egyptians
Spring 1: Dragons
Spring 2: Great Britain
Summer 1: Rainforest
Summer 2: Stone Age to Bronze Age
Autumn 1:Rocks and soils
Autumn 2: Magnets and forces
Spring 1: A chance to revisit units from previous learning from Key Stage 1
Spring 2: Animals including humans
Summer 1: Plants
Summer 2: Light
We support learning by going on school trips. Whether these are local trips, such as visits to Batley Library, or further afield, we will provide information nearer the time. Our first trip, to Bagshaw Museum, will take place in October and will be linked to our topic on the Ancient Egyptians and local history study. Outdoor learning for Year 3 will take place in Summer 2.
Children will participate in PE every week using the hall or outside facilities. Please ensure that children wear the correct clothing of black shorts/ black joggers, black t-shirt, suitable footwear and no jewellery. Children will have opportunities throughout the year to attend sporting competitions including our annual sports day. There is a range of after school clubs that children can also attend throughout the year.
Children will be expected to regularly practice reading, times tables and spelling at home. They will also continue to receive homework every Wednesday which needs completing and handing in the following Monday.
The school communicates in a number of ways to keep parents and guardians up to date. If you have not yet downloaded the school ping app to your smart phone, then please speak to the school office for further information.